Board of Professionals

Members of Board of Professionals & Directors

Dr TongEs

PhD in Geopathology & Environmental Health

Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health, UK

Adjunct Professor, Boya Institute of Education, Peking University

Area of Expertise/Research interest:

Dr. Tong is the first geopathologist in Malaysia, with a career dedicated to research and consultancy. He began his research in geopathology and environmental health in 2016 and currently serves as a geo-consultant and geo-health scientist for various organizations, including hospitals, medical centers, Stem Cell & NK cell clinic, research institutes, quantum health science companies, franchising companies, food factories, and schools.

His research aims to enhance health without side effects by helping people avoid harmful energy waves from the earth, such as earth faults and energy vortexes (earth radiation). This is particularly beneficial for cancer patients, with over 400 cases investigated in Southeast Asia to date. His research group has fostered significant connectivity and collaboration among the world's top researchers, including the University Science of Malaysia.

Dr. Tong observes that most people overlook the seriousness of health issues caused by harmful earth radiation rising through the ground. He volunteers his services to poor cancer patients, investigating their homes and sleeping areas, especially those living in geopathic stress zones, or "cancer zones."

Dr. Tong's expertise in geopathology has garnered attention from several institutions, particularly the Geo-Health Research Institute. His successful advisory role and robust research activities have led to invitations to become an Adjunct Professor at the Boya Institute of Education, Peking University, and to join the Eminent Board of Experts at the Research Institute of Geopathology Sciences, China Academy of Management Science. He also won the World Congress on Innovation & Technology (WCIT) 2022 Industry Excellence Award for Distinguished Environmental Health Research.

For more information about Dr TongEs, visit  

Dr Tai Weng Yew

Doctor of Medicine (MD)

Occupational Health Doctor (OHD)

Member of Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia 

Area of Expertise:

Dr Tai is a primary care doctor with a special interest in dermatology and aesthetics. The skin is the largest organ in our body, and almost everyone will experience skin problems at some point in their life. While not all skin conditions can be cured, they can be managed and prevented from flaring up. Properly explaining skin diseases to patients and ensuring regular follow-ups are key to effective treatment.

Dr Tai is also an occupational health doctor involved in occupational health surveillance programs, including noise exposure monitoring, and chemical and biological monitoring. These health surveillance programs are conducted to ensure that workers maintain optimal physical and mental health.

Dr Tai believes that public health is the most crucial factor in preventing disease complications. He is active in raising health awareness through social media. With today's technology, health education can be easily disseminated via platforms like Facebook and TikTok. In Malaysia, the prevalence of diabetes, hypertension, and obesity is high, posing a significant public health challenge. These non-communicable diseases are major causes of conditions such as heart attacks, heart failure, and strokes. Prevention is always better than cure; therefore, by creating health awareness, the public can understand the severity of these diseases and learn how to prevent complications.

Dr Kelvin Lew

PhD in Molecular Medicine (Vaccinology)

Postdoctoral Scholar, Dept. of Microbiology & Immunology, Northwestern University

Member of European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI)

Area of Expertise/Research Interest:

Dr Lew has a background in studying the fundamentals of cellular immunity stimulated upon invasion of foreign particles. He has extensive experiences in molecular biology, immunology, antibody engineering, adjuvant design and vaccine development.  T-cell immunity, including CD4 and CD8 responses, play synergistic roles in regulating the protective immunity that is pivotal for developing immunological memory against the targeted antigen. Based on the underlying signalling mechanisms, he has a strong research interest in deciphering the novel vaccination strategy to improve the safety and efficacy of the current therapeutic regimen. 

Dr Kavitha Nowroji

PhD in Molecular Medicine (Cancer Research) 

Bio-Health Scientist of Geopathology Research Institute, Singapore 

Area of Expertise/Research Interest:

Dr Kavitha Nowroji had 8 years of experience as a Research Officer in the field of Molecular Medicine with strong skills in carrying out scientific research on cancer and parasitic diseases, and she is well qualified as an alien extraordinary ability in academic research. She is a talented experimentalist mastering technology in genetics, molecular biology, cell biology, and cancer biology. Academically, she had published more than 15 scientific articles, 2 chapters in books, and the research papers have been cited by other scientists about 256 times with H Index of  7 (Scopus) due to the importance & novelty of the published work. She has over 10 abstracts/conferences proceeding at national & internationally, as well presented as an Invited Speaker at Fifth Euro-India International Conference on Holistic Medicine Kerala, India and awarded as 2nd Prize Analyst Best Thesis Award by “Royal Society of Chemistry” International Conference Recent Advances in Analytical Sciences at Banaras Hindhu University, India. Currently, Dr Kavitha exploring her talent and skills in the field of Green Project Research at Autocity Research Group & Management as an Educator & Researcher (Department of Research& Education). She possesses all of the qualities that make for an outstanding scientific career and her contribution which already make her presence known within the field.

Henrrey Pang

Bachelor of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (Hons)

Media Director

Ms Yee Yee

Bachelor of Law (LLB), UK

Legal Advisor